Home Security Devices You Can’t Afford to Live Without | By Jordan Frankel

5 Common Home Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them | By Jordan Frankel
July 21, 2023
Protecting Your Home from Burglary: How to Safeguard Your Personal Possessions | By Jordan Frankel
July 21, 2023

Millions of residents rely solely on standard locks for security, believing they can’t afford home security devices. However, crime statistics show that leaving your home unprotected is risky. The cost of not investing in home security devices can lead to losses far greater than their small price.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR), in 2017 there were over 7,694,000 property crimes in the United States. Those crimes resulted in a loss of over $15 billion. Approximately 18% of those crimes were burglaries. Keep in mind that these statistics are based solely on the reportable crime data available. There are many more crimes that don’t get reported to the police. They also exclude numerous yearly home invasions, many involving violence, sexual assault, or even murder.

Victims and neighbors often realize the importance of investing in home security only after a crime occurs. Such was the case for the neighbor of the victims of a violent home invasion in San Diego, California. According to the Fox5 News report, three men broke into the victims’ home while they were sleeping. During the crime, the male victim was assaulted and the suspects attempted to drag him out of the home and kidnap him. After the incident, one of the concerned neighbors stated, “We’ve had people come to our door, try the door and they can’t get in.” The neighbor went on to say that because of the crime “she is doing all she can to secure her home.” It is likely that the victims of that terrifying home invasion are doing the same.

An important lesson can be learned from today’s crime statistics and news reports, and that is you can’t afford to leave your home unprotected from potential intruders. 

Affordable Home Security Devices No One Should Live Without

Home security does not have to mean spending thousands of dollars. Affordable home security devices can greatly reduce your risk of burglary or assault by a home intruder. To get the most for your money, follow these tips by home security expert, Jordan Frankel: 

Invest in Home Security Devices Designed to Prevent Forcible Entries

To prevent a burglary or home invasion, you must invest in devices that can prevent an intruder from entering your home. A security door brace is one such device. This highly effective and affordable device combines the strength of the floor, the door, and the surrounding framework, creating a barrier that can withstand over 1700 pounds of brut force.

For windows, home security devices like BurglarGARD security film strengthen glass panes, making them harder to break during an attempted intrusion. The extra noise and effort required to break a window or sliding door with this film often deters intruders entirely. Most will give up out of fear of being heard, seen or apprehended.

Invest in Home Security Devices that Notify You of Potential Intruders BEFORE They Gain Entry

Devices such as home surveillance systems and alarm systems can serve as early warning systems of intruders. There are a number of affordable home security systems available to residents. Ensure you invest in one with wireless motion sensors that you can install in various locations outside your home. These sensors will alert you anytime someone enters your property. A wireless surveillance system with multiple cameras and a portable LCD screen is also worth the investment. Such a system will allow you to view various areas of your property as well as see anyone who is outside your residence from any room inside your home. This early warning system can provide you with the time you need to call 911 and find safety in situations involving a potential intruder.

Invest in Quality, Not Quantity

You can save yourself a great deal of money by buying a few high-quality home security devices over several cheap devices. Though higher quality devices cost more, they typically last longer, and some manufacturers even offer lifetime warranties. Cheaper devices, on the other hand, tend to break easily and they don’t always perform as well as they claim. If you can only afford one or two home security devices, prioritize high-quality products that PREVENT intruder entry.

You Can’t Afford to Leave Your Home Unprotected

Leaving your home unprotected against burglars and other dangerous intruders is a risk you don’t want to take. The losses from such crimes far outweigh the costs of the home security devices that can prevent them. With that perspective, it’s easy to see why home security devices are something you can’t afford to live without.