Home Security for Children: Essential Tips for Keeping Kids Safe from Strangers | By Jordan Frankel

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It’s a common scenario: you hear a knock or the ring of the doorbell, and one of your children dashes to the door, expecting to see a friend or a familiar face. But sometimes, it’s a complete stranger—a solicitor, a delivery person, or, unfortunately, even a criminal in disguise.

Today’s criminals are increasingly clever, often posing as sales representatives, utility workers, or even law enforcement officers to gain entry. For example, in Miami Lakes, Florida, Local10 News reported a case where intruders dressed as FBI agents gained access to a home. Similarly, in West Covina, California, criminals disguised as police officers forced entry, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

Given these risks, teaching home security for children is more important than ever. Educating kids about home safety ensures they know how to react appropriately when a stranger knocks. Below are essential home security tips for children that can help keep your family safe when someone unexpected is at the door.

Why Children Need Home Security Education

While adults may be able to recognize potential threats and handle unexpected visitors, children often lack the same awareness. Although most parents teach their kids about “stranger danger,” today’s criminals know how to disguise themselves to appear legitimate.

No matter where you live, the risk of residential crimes like home invasions or burglaries exists. Home security expert Jordan Frankel emphasizes that “criminals do not discriminate.” Protecting your family starts with home security education for children, and these essential tips can help prepare your kids to handle a range of situations safely.

1. Teach the Golden Rule of Home Security—NEVER Open the Door to Strangers

One of the most important rules of home security for children is teaching them never to open the door to a stranger. Kids may instinctively want to open the door, especially if they are accustomed to neighborhood friends stopping by. While the safest option is for young children not to answer the door at all, older kids who might be allowed to answer the door should understand the potential risks.

Explain that a stranger includes anyone they don’t know, even if the person appears to be a police officer, salesperson, or utility worker. Teach children that unless the person at the door is a known friend or family member, they must never open the door. This simple rule is critical for child safety at home and can help prevent dangerous encounters.

2. Provide a Way for Children to See Who’s at the Door Without Opening It

Kids are naturally curious, so it’s a good idea to provide them with a safe way to see who is at the door without opening it. For younger children, consider installing a low-height peephole or using an electronic doorbell with a camera that allows them to see visitors without directly approaching the door.

An electronic peephole or doorbell camera with a monitor in the house is also a great addition to your home security for children setup. Many modern systems connect to mobile devices, allowing children and adults alike to check who’s at the door from anywhere in the house. This helps satisfy a child’s curiosity while keeping them safe.

3. Install a Heavy-Duty Security Door Brace

A strong security door brace is a valuable addition to home security for families. It provides extra protection against intruders. Kids should be taught not to open the door to strangers. However, safety devices offer a backup if children are home alone.

The OnGARD security door brace, for instance, is easy to install and can withstand up to 1,800 pounds of force, making it tough for a criminal to kick in a door. Even young kids can engage the brace, giving them an added measure of security if they’re home by themselves. This extra layer of protection reinforces door safety for kids and helps ensure their safety if a stranger attempts a forced entry. Click here to view the OnGARD security door brace demo.

4. Teach Kids What to Do if a Stranger Shows Up

Knowing how to react to a stranger at the door is just as important as knowing not to open it. Teach kids what they should do when someone unfamiliar knocks or rings the bell. If an adult is home, instruct kids to notify that adult immediately so that the situation can be handled safely.

For times when kids are home alone, establish a family safety plan. Teach them to stay quiet and go to a designated safe area, like a room with a phone. There, they can call a trusted adult or 911 if they feel threatened. Having a prearranged hiding spot and clear steps on whom to contact will prepare them to react responsibly in a potentially dangerous situation.

5. Use Psychological Deterrents to Keep Strangers Away

Psychological deterrents can discourage strangers from approaching your home. They are a useful addition to home security for children. Consider placing signs that say “Beware of Dog” or “Property Under Surveillance.” Criminals usually seek easy, low-risk targets, so these signs might make them think twice.

While these deterrents aren’t foolproof, they add extra security. Used with other home security tips for children, they help create the impression that your home isn’t an easy target. This may reduce the chance of unwanted visitors.

6. Reinforce Safety with Practice and Encouragement

Finally, practicing safe responses is one of the best ways to reinforce home security for kids. Create realistic role-play scenarios where a stranger might knock or ring the doorbell. Guide your children step-by-step through the correct responses. Practicing regularly makes kids more comfortable and confident, so they’ll know how to handle a real situation calmly.

Encourage kids to trust their instincts, too. Remind them that feeling cautious around strangers is normal and that their safety is always the priority. Emphasize that it’s better to stay safe and cautious, even if the person outside appears friendly.

Staying Safe with Effective Home Security for Children

Protecting your family from potential risks starts with providing your kids with the tools they need for home security. Whether through secure entry points, deterrents, or a family safety plan, teaching children about stranger safety is essential.

These home security tips for children are designed to help you create a safer environment for your entire family. Being prepared and cautious can make all the difference. By educating your kids on how to handle unexpected visitors, you’re equipping them with the skills they need to make safer choices, providing peace of mind for everyone at home.